We invest our knowledge, experience, time, and finances to ensure that all our manufacturing and technological processes are carried out in a proper manner meeting the requirements and standards applicable to the global food industry.
We will not bother you with too detailed descriptions of our technological advancements; Rather, we will be glad to introduce you to the major production stages at Zolota Nyva.
In fact, this is where it all begins. To obtain high-quality products, we carefully select fields through soil analysis, choose only certified seeds suitable for the region, and, more importantly, supervise all agricultural processes – from fertilizer application to weed control. Some of the stages of the growing process are the following: proper use of nutritious substances, certified herbicides/pesticides, and watering the crops. Each of these stages is characterized by a unique quality control system, which allows us to get the maximum possible yield of healthy herbs and vegetables.
The next essential stage is the harvesting process, throughout which raw materials are collected and checked for the quality. Prepared herbs and vegetables are sent for storage, during which they undergo primary hygienic procedures to ensure that there are no pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals, or any other contaminations present before proceeding to the next step.
Before sending the raw materials for drying, we make sure that all the products are decently prepared and comply with all applicable food industry standards. The preparation process itself includes several steps of washing and peeling – steam decontamination, manual inspection, removal of foreign plant residues, sorting, blanching, and cutting. Each of these processes undergoes constant quality control utilizing specialized equipment and personnel. This allows us to guarantee that these high-quality, healthy products are prepared with great care and attention to detail.
The next procedure involves drying, which begins with the grinding of products allowing to store the maximum amount of useful substances in them. Small pieces of prepared vegetables and herbs are then placed in special drying ovens to get rid of any excess moisture (temperature range of 75-95oC and 60-75oC).
The drying process involves air-drying employing hot air, which promotes the proper dehydration of the products. Evaporation of water from fresh vegetables and herbs significantly extends the product lifespan. Whole technological process is under constant control to prevent microbiological risks.
As the drying process is complete, already dried vegetables and herbs undergo regular quality control. At this stage, we use SORTEX optical separator to sort the dried vegetables by size; Therefore, each fraction in any batch comprises dried vegetable pieces with almost identical size.
Along with that, this stage also includes a purity check and requires the implementation of an X-ray machine, magnetic rod, sorting on inspection tables, and various quality control procedures. Each and every employee is required to complete a specific training period to make sure that the personnel for the sorting department is carefully selected.
The last stage is storing, which comprises two main steps: packaging and labeling of the prepared products. Sorted fractions of dried vegetables and herbs are packaged, weighed, checked – and ready for shipment or storing at the company warehouse.
Utilizing different quality control procedures throughout the whole production process (from growing to shipping), our goal is to produce dried vegetables and herbs of the highest quality possible.